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Are you delivering on your promises to customers, and regulatory demands, every step of the way? Mystery Shopping measures the delivery of Brand and Customer Experience (CX) promises made to customers across every customer touchpoint, channel, and market … to ensure your experience delivers, and drives the right outcomes.

With Mystery Shopping, we provide objective, unbiased feedback from trained ‘customers’ – mystery shoppers – to measure how organisations deliver on Brand and CX promises across markets, touchpoints and channels – physical locations, contact centres and digital assets (website, apps, live chat, etc.), independently, or as part of the omnichannel experience.

As the largest Mystery Shopping provider in the world, Ipsos offer solutions, from the ‘classic’ mystery shops to crowd-sourced micro shops – that are robust, reputable, and reliable. The world’s largest brands trust Ipsos for Mystery Shopping, because our programmes are better designed, better executed and drive better impact.